I love to get up on a Sunday morning - it is quiet - I go downstairs and usually fix myself breakfast - eggs - bacon and a cup of tea - have my quiet time - I read Streams In the Desert every morning and then I have a Bible reading program from Daily Walk that I am reading through the Bible with (helps me get through some of those Old Testament books) - I'm in Ezra right now - then I get ready for church. I was raised in a formal Presbyterian church - grew up as a little girl wearing white gloves and a hat - I don't know how my Mom did it - I could barely find matching socks for my four girls - anyway - now I go to a Vineyard church and I wear jeans and a top and sandals and I'm done -
This new habit has developed for me on Sunday mornings from my daughter, Lauren, giving me a Starbucks gift card - now I after church I go to Starbucks get my coffee and go back home - put my feet up on my wooden chest that serves as a coffee table - open up my New York Times that I get delivered on Sundays and revel in the perfect Sunday morning (I always loved Kris Kristofferson's "Sunday Morning" song - though its different from my life)- I am just putting this out here because I think of all the Sunday mornings of getting a family of six up - dressed - breakfasted - and in the car in time for church - and that family of six included four daughters with long hair most of the time that had to be braided, brushed or tamed in some way and I am just saying that I appreciate the times in my life - and I do appreciate this time in my life.
Quote from the NY Times Magazine interview with Andrew Stanton, Oscar winning director of Finding Nemo and Bug's Life:
By his bed: "A stack of 6 to 12 books. My eyes are much bigger than my reader's stomach. I can read 3 to 5 at the time."
I love that line about the reader's stomach.
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I love reading and thinking from your perspective. I'm currently the one getting a family of 5 ready for church on Sunday mornings...ah...who am I kidding?...Chuck gets the kiddos ready and feeds them breakfast and lets me just fiddle with my hair and clothes on Sunday mornings...but still somehow it's still stressful. LOL!!
Thanks Logzie - Sunday mornings didn't start getting better until we started trying to have everything ready the night before - it was still a battle - but not as noisy!
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