Monday, June 1, 2009

Bathing Suit Debacle

I'm overweight - I know it - today June 1st I have started again - seriously - no - don't roll your eyes - I AM SERIOUS!!!!

anyway. . .

I went to the store on Saturday and while my sister was buying sheets I decided to try on bathing suits. The one I have been wearing is seven years old - I know this because I bought it to go to my oldest daughter's bridal shower in Houston. It is awful - but I really know what it is like to shop for a bathing suit when you look the way I do - but - I thought - foolishly - how bad could it really be????

A friend told me to try a tankini - I even went up a size just to make sure it would fit - and perhaps have the small pleasure of having to go to a smaller size - (cue hysterical laughter) so I picked out a nice chocoate brown outfit - and went in to try it on. Am I the only one that worries about hidden cameras ? I put the suit on - looked in the mirror and what do I see??? A stack of donuts stacked on top of each other with a head and arms --- aughhhhhhh!!!! I got out of the thing and got dressed - my sister called me and asked me where I was - I told her I was in the "fitting" room and I had just finished trying on a bathing suit and was trying to commit suicide with my nail clipper.

I decided to go to the jewelry department immediately - I needed something gold and something that would be my size!!! I told the saleslady I was depressed because I had just been trying on bathing suits and needed something to cheer me up. I talked myself down from buying the $150 gold earrings and then my phone rang - it was my sister looking for me again.

Today I planned out what I would eat - and wrote everything down - the journey begins again...


Rock Chef said...

Keep cheering yourself up like that and you will soon be stick-thin because you can't afford to eat! :-)

Good luck with it all! My wife has been on diet and exercise for 3 months now and the change has been amazing!

Kayris said...

"trying to commit suicide with my nail clipper."

Oh Claire, I'm laughing because you're funny, but I know how you feel. Bathing suit shopping is right up there with bra shopping and I detest both.

The Mrs. said...

I started yesterday too! We gotta start somewhere!!!!

Jenelle said...

Sigh - that's why I am avoiding all dressing rooms at the moment. But I'm hoping with the insane hours I'm working right now that I won't have time to eat. Unfortunately, I'll have to avoid the grabbing unhealthy foods and fitting in exercise.

Best wishes to you in your journey.

Kiki said...

Mommy, You will get there, determination, diligence and diet (I mean eating healthy) can do it!!!

terri said...

Good luck with the new diet! Did you know that laughter is inner jogging? You could burn a few calories just be reading your own post! The nail clipper/suicide remark was hysterical!

kenady said...

now i know where kiki gets it:) that wonderful sense of humor even though the chips are down...


love you, e

Anonymous said...

I read this and thought I had commented but probably got distracted.

I hear ya on the whole entire thing! Each time I get on a good routine at the "Y"...I get some sort of injury and have to stop. First I gained 10 lbs and then I lost 4lbs and then I hurt my hip.

Atleast you can still joke about it though. I say be healthy, laugh and love life and who cares what weight you are. I can say that to someone else anyway. LOL!!

Trisha Larson said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog:

I'm so sorry that you have endured a pain similar to mine. Please let me know if you have any good advice for getting through it.
