Monday, December 6, 2010

The Manger Scene

The Dorman family very kindly lent me their manger scene to put up in front of my townhome and today I got it out of the back seat of my car and tried to set it up. It is 37 degrees outside right now at 7:20 pm so I was really cold setting it up and having a lot of trouble figuring it all out. I like to do jigsaw puzzles so how hard could this be?

I found the top photo after I came inside and searched "manger scene" and then took a photo of what I actually did. I'll change it in the morning - just wanted to give my blogger friends a good laugh!


Needled Mom said...

I'd say it was a good job without the instructions!!!

Midlife Mom said...

That is a hoot! I would have done the same thing! I am still looking for a nice nativity for my front lawn. I had one but it was plastic and kept blowing over so I gave it away. Your Christmas cactus is beautiful, I used to have the same problem with the buds falling off, finally I gave the plant away, it's probably doing great now! ha!

Rock Chef said...

I rather like that - both versions!

The way you have done it you could have a few puppies inside! :-)

Claire said...

Rock Chef - my daughter, Heather, said she thought I was building a corral for her German Shepherd!

Midlife Mom - this is really a heavy wood one and I am going to make a pattern and hopefully make some to sell next year at craft shows.

Needled Mom - no instructions and frozen fingers!!!

terri said...

I'm not sure I would have thought anything was wrong with your set up had I not seen the correct one!

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

I think I might have done the same seemed very logical!