Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thoughts About the New Year

Today is January 18th and I am really just starting the new year now. All my daughters came for Christmas with their families and dogs and we all had a good time. Then the week after we received word that a dear friend, Arlene Schroer, died. There is no easy way to write that - my daughter Lauren, her husband, Jonathan, the five yr. old and the two yr old twins and the yellow Lab and myself all drove down to Melbourne, Fla. for the funeral and just to be with the family. I know being there helped me more than I am sure we helped the family.

Then this last week another friend, Mark McDandle, died of a heart attack. He was an award winning surfer. He was very special person and this was a real shock to our church and community. Saturday there was a "paddle-out" with about 100 surfers participating. This past weekend was the Your Next Step Retreat with wonderful speakers that encouraged and I would say inspired but really the word "challenge" would be a lot better.

So - my Christmas decorations are still up - I have to go to the storage place and get all the containers to put all the stuff back in. I have been putting the stuff on the dining room table.

I just finished a really good book, Surprised By Oxford by Carolyn Weber. Loved the book.

1 comment:

Come Away With Me said...

Hello Clair, and Happy New Year to you. I was meandering through my bookmarked blogs and decided to stop in here and see if you are posting again. Your book recommendation caught my eye and I checked it out online...sounds very good. I'm adding it to my list to look for. It's good to see you here on the blogs after so long and I hope to stop by again.
