Sunday, January 22, 2012

Very Late

Made the mistake of turning my laptop on at 11 p.m. and here it is 2:15 a.m. after spending time checking emails, facebook, the Centurion Forum and a couple of favorite blogs.

My Christmas decorations are still up - mainly because I haven't gone to my storage place to get the needed empty containers to put everything in. Tomorrow - I promise tomorrow after church I'll go and get them and start! Really!

This morning I went to a training session for Freedom Readers - a reading/mentoring program in my area for school children and I love it!!! Every week the child gets to pick and take home a book of their own. Once a week for an 1 1/2 hours - how simple can that be? Everyone that has been doing this was so enthusiastic - had so many creative ideas for engaging the children. I love reading to children and getting them "hooked" on a story!

Okay - stopping now - have to be at church at 9:30 a.m. for the first service and then the second service I am a volunteer with the 3-5 yr. olds - everytime my turn rolls around I whine and grumble to myself and then when I acutally get there I love it - and I know the young moms need a break - they do not need to be working in the nursery - they need to be in the "big church" getting fed. I really do believe that things are really skewed wrong - the older women should be helping with the children so the moms are getting fed and strengthened. Climbing down off my soapbox and going to bed. Thanks for listening.

P.S I am sick of all the political phone calls here in SC!!!!!


kenady said...

Just curious... did you take down your Christmas decorations yet?

Hope you are well!!

xoxo, e

Claire said...

Finally got them down on and packed and put away in storage on Thursday, Feb. 2 - I think it might be the latest for me!!!

Rock Chef said...

You had your Christmas stuff up that late? Wow.

Hope the phone has stopped now - I think the election stuff has moved on now?