I am so happy!!! My daughter and her husband, Lauren and Jonathan, have announced that they are expecting TWINS!!!! Wow!!! We are all excited for them and so happy that everything is going well!!! I'm addicted to exclamation points with this news!!!
Lauren called me while I was driving and I was so excited that at the first red light I jumped out of the car I was driving and ran back to my girlfriend who was driving my car to tell her - and then Lauren said she was going to wait awhile to tell people and I said that it was too late - I think I've calmed down about it - maybe!!!!
"But blessed is the woman who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. She will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Brkft: Peanut Butter on diet round, coffee, vitamins
Lunch: Greek salad at restaurant, water, no vitamins
Unauthorized snack: chips with cheese melted at 5 pm
Dinner: (late at 10 pm - went out shopping at 5:30 pm) Scrambeled eggs with cheese, 3 slices of bacon, hot tea, diet rounds with butter and slice of bacon, green tea, vitamins
Congrats, grandma!!
Wow! That is fantastic news!
Congratulations to them both - and you, of course!
Boy, are they going to be busy...
I am sooooo happy for you Claire!! A double blessing!!
WOO HOO!! Congratulations!
Lauren called me while I was driving and I was so excited that at the first red light I jumped out of the car I was driving and ran back to my girlfriend who was driving my car to tell her - and then Lauren said she was going to wait awhile to tell people and I said that it was too late - I think I've calmed down about it - maybe!!!!
Congratulations Claire!
The more the merrier I say!
My mother could never keep a secret about her grandchildren either - it's just too exciting!
congratulations and enjoy the joy of more family. Best wishes for sleep to your daughter.
What awesome news!!!!! Now you won't fight over who gets to hold the baby! LOL!
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