Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We Thought It Was Over...

They announced two more people today - on my team! They were offered part-time positions or severance and it was a real shocker who they gave this notice too - the two people that run our front counter - and then they announced they are only going to have the front counter/lobby open from 9 to 3!!! Just when we thought we could breathe!!!


kenady said...

i'm so sorry to hear about the lay offs. but i am glad that you and your sister escaped. my thoughts are with you...

Rock Chef said...

That isn't good. Thinking that they might cut the odd one or two seemingly at random like this isn't good for people.

Jenelle said...

Praying that God continues to provide for ALL your needs - emotional, strength, financial, spiritual, etc.

Kiki said...

Momma, You know that we are all here for each other, no matter what we'll stick together. I love you!!!

kari and kijsa said...

SO sorry to hear about the layoffs...praying for strength
kari & kijsa