Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Catching Up

I haven't been "sharing" a lot lately because I didn't know where to start. So I will just try to start where I am.

Thanksgiving weekend I was really spending time putting together an application for the Centurion Program that is part of Prison Fellowship Ministries - you can read about it here:

I had to wait until December 19th to hear whether I was accepted and I was - I am very excited about it - and overwhelmed by putting myself in a "learning environment." But I have just begun and am really enthusiastic about it. There is a lot of reading, writing, analyzing - even watching and writing about movies - check out the book list and movie list! Babette's Feast - one of my favorite movies is on the list!

Christmas was great - though very disorganized for me - and I am really planning on changing all that - this is the year to clean out - organize - and especially the "chaos room" that is suppose to be the guest room.

Last Thursday I drove up to DC - where Lauren, Caed and I then drove on up to PA - stayed overnight - and then next morning Heather, Lauren and I left for Bird-in-Hand, Pa. to stay at the Amish View Hotel for a scrapbooking weekend! Before we left Heather had to go to the ER to get three stitches in her hand because when she was packing up her scrapbooking supplies she sliced her hand open on an x-Acto knife - the drama and excitement never ends in our family - Lauren - who is pregnant with twins had breathing problems and we had to get a humidifier for the room. The three of us had such a good time - this was my first time scrapbooking and I actually did six pages of a memory book about my husband. We really had fun and it was just relaxing not to have any real responsibilities for a few days.

When we left the hotel on Sunday it was really snowing and that was fun to experience - and leave behind! - Sunday night Jonathan, Lauren, Caed and myself drove back to DC and then Monday I drove back to Myrtle Beach - going in the opposite direction of all the inauguration traffic - the drive was peaceful and a time for quiet reflection as I headed back home.


Rock Chef said...

Who would have thought that scrapbooking could be so dangerous!

Great to hear from you again!

Claire said...

I know - it was really crazy - but I have to say that nothing was going to stop Heather from going!

Shannon said...

HI Claire,
It was nice to meet you and I look forward to scrapping with you again!n You have some great daughters.

Teresa said...

That's great that you started scrapbooking!!! Be can get addicted. :) I am.

Teresa said...

Okay, I just read up on that and it sounds amazing!! Finally, realistic Christians who are educated and affecting the World and facilitating real change...all for the Lord. I love it! Good for you Claire!!