Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Exercise and other things

Monday night Karen came for my workout - killer - as always. I am so thankful she makes me work so hard. Tonight I promised myself that as soon as I got home - 7:30 pm - that I would change into work out clothes and do one of my exercise tapes - went upstairs to change and turned the TV on to watch while I changed - and started watching the crazy U-Haul chase in LA - finally turned it off at 8 pm - went downstairs and did the 30 min. tape - Success!!! Accomplishment!!! Now if I can just do it the next three days Karen will be so proud of me and so will I!!! I'm putting it out here so that I can report whether I do it or not.

Procrastination - it is what seeps into your life and takes over and stops accomplishment from being part of your life. It steals so much from you - especially self-respect - why can't you stop making those wrong choices - okay maybe they're not wrong - but they're not helping you accomplish your goals - and I am all about goals this year. I make lists only to have them mock me - I set alarm clocks - timers - I am an intelligent human being who wants to change and tonight was a baby step for me - and now here is the next one - I'm going to shut this down and go to bed at 11 p.m. - no matter about the list - I've done two things on it - exercised - oh three - ate dinner - and now go to bed at 11!!! If I could open up my front door and throw Procrastination out into the street I would!!!


Rock Chef said...

Well done!

I haven't seen that chase, but I know the sort of thing - the kids love watching them and I just get sucked in too. How crazy are these people?

terri said...

Way to go with the excercise. I find I have to force myself sometimes, but always feel so good afterwards.

Procrastination is my constant companion as well. I think the winter and emotions make me not care as much. I'm going to start making lists too. Maybe that will help.

The Mrs. said...

That U haul chase was insane. I always wonder what procrastination is about. Self sabotage? Laziness? I don't know. Sometimes I stay on myself. make myself feel bad. This year I've let myself off the hook. I'll let you know if it works!!!

Train Wreck said...

Good for you! You show procrastination who's boss! I leave my tv on the fitness channel all day. There are some things I can't do, or don't have the equipment for. But there are some things I can do. I just pop in and do what I can all day. lol, poor UPS man! or any unsuspecting visitors that might stop by.

Claire said...

Chief - I googled the chase and they got her!

Terri - I respect your running in the snow!!!

The Mrs. - I loved that I could google "U Haul Chase" and it all came up!

Hey Trainwreck - Love the idea of leaving the exercise channel up - I'm going to try that this wknd!