Sunday, May 18, 2008

It is all about the attitude. . .

My daughter, Kik, got me thinking about about what it was like when they were young - the good times and the hard times - especially about shopping for clothes. The wonderful thing about my four daughters is that they never really complained - or really asked for things - at least not to any extent that I remembered - and I know that is a good thing. We were really successful in raising daughters that were able to adapt and enjoy - whatever our conditions were - without a lot of carrying on. I know there were times when I wanted to be able to do more for them but I learned to be thankful for those old standbys of roof over the head, food on the table and clothes to wear and to really be thankful for any extras.

My girls were stuck with a Mom that never really liked going to the mall - or really shopping - unless they were antique stores, book stores, or unusual art/craft stores - and then if I had a choice of going to an art gallery or a department store the art gallery would win every time - I remember one time when we were living in Houston I took Kik and Heather to the Galleria and we went to the art galleries there - we went walking in and they recognized the work of an artist and asked me about the painting and the gallery owner commented on the fact that they knew the artist. I am sure we went to the stores - but I remember the galleries.

I think one the best character qualities you can possess is the ability to adapt - change what you can - but learn to adapt without beating everyone up around you - and make it the very best you can from right where you are!


April Joy said...

Great blog mom!! And it's true...we can adapt...although I do hate change!

Kiki said...

Like the old saying goes, pull up your big girl pants and move on. We never wasted time feeling sorry for ourselves and its one of the qualities I like best about our family!!!

Etiquettely Correct said...

Great post - I always *try* to have a good attitude, but its still something I struggle with. Thanks for the tip about the dyeable purse and shoes!!! I will triple check now to make sure the color doesn't come off :)

Rock Chef said...

I think it is best to bring children up knowing that there are times when things will be hard and times when things are easier. My kids know that there are things they can't have because we can't afford them. We will not bankrupt ourselve trying to keep up with the Jones's!