Friday, April 11, 2008

The Weekenddddddd!!!!!!!!

Tonight is Friday night and we are going to the opening baseball game of the Pelicans!!! I grew up with two brothers and a Dad who listened to and watched sports constantly - in fact when my husband asked me to marry him my reply was, "Do you watch or listen to any sports on the radio or TV?" He actually said no and I said I would marry him!

Well --- time went on and he really didn't watch that much on TV - but - I started watching football - every Sunday - and Monday night - he would fall asleep and I would change the channels and he would wake up and pretend to be grumpy and say, "Are you watching sports a-g-a-i-n!!!!" and so it went - I guess it got in my blood and now I even watch some golf --- what has happened????

I was never into baseball that much unless the Mets were playing - but then I moved here and they built this baseball field - using the old seats from the Atlanta Braves - and it is a beautiful stadium - and you are right there and can see the players and feel the excitement of a game - the sounds of the ball hitting the catcher's glove - the bat hitting the ball - the intensity of a close game - I am hooked!!! My sister and I really love to go and cheer and yell - wear our Pelican caps - T-shirts - eat boiled peanuts - I can't describe it all - it is just so American and so what summer is about - you can't help but get tears in your eyes when they sing the National Anthem - and then we all sing the "Take Me Out To the Ballgame Song" and we do the wave - and sing YMCA - you just have to come and go with us - it is the best!!! I used to cheer for Raphael Furcale when he started with the Pelicans and how proud I was when he got to go to the Braves - my own baseball player that I cheered for for a whole summer!!!! I knew it would pay off!!!

So tonight is opening night - and they are having the BEST fireworks - and I am taking money to buy a new baseball cap!!! I can't wait!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think we ought to keep these blogs team neutral...All I would have to do is point at the Mets record and then the Yankees record and well, yeah...I think you can get the picture. Of course I am a huge Minor League fan now. Glad you had a good time!

Rock Chef said...

Baseball - as you say, it is SO American! I don't think many Brits see the attraction. I enjoy playing it on my kids' Wii, but I don't think I really understand the rules! But as you say, you have to be there. Live sports in the UK are stupidly expensive, limiting attendence to the total fanatics and the rich. Oh well.

You should do a short video blog from the stadium!

Claire said...

Oh Rock Chef - haven't you noticed the total lack of photos here???? I am still in Kindergarten with this stuff - and I still buy those disposable cameras that my girls say that the money I spend on those could be put to really buying a good camera - but I am heading in that direction - Kik and Ken love to go to the games so we will do it when we all go together - thanks for the idea!!!