Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Two Favorite Quotes

At the worst a house unkept cannot be so distressing as a life unlived.

Rose Macualay - 1924


I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.

Anna Quidlen - "Enough Bookshelves" NY Times Aug. 7, 1991


Kayris said...

We have tons of books. I'm running out of places to put them. I love that quote!

Kayris (Kiki's friend MommyK)

kenady said...

I really like the first quote! That is the story of my life! Have I mentioned how I love it that you have your own blog! I look forward to reading your "yoda" like wisdom.

LPeterson said...

I am reading mom! Love your quotes as always, not surprised others like them as well!

Deb said...

I finally own a house with more bookshelves than I can possibly fill right now. I look forward to years of raising my family here and filling those shelves. I can't wait to use that quote!

April Joy said...

you can NEVER have enough bookshelves...